Day 353

Day 353 Art Meditation, November 29, 2023

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All ideas that make Heart spaces full … :) 

“Find deeper layers of your Heart-space”

“Vote with your Heart (Not your Ego)”

“Write hand-written letters”

“You Are So Beautiful”

“Trust Yourself More”

“Listen to Silence”

“Breathe in Love, Breathe out Fear. Breathe in Fear, Breathe out Love”

“Be Vulnerable”

“Confuse your logical mind (that’s your Heart-Space). Then use both.”

I’ve been facing my fears recently and it’s felt harder to gleam the energy to go back into my ‘bubble’ - my intuitive heart space - where there is no fear. In this inner space there is just the act of showing up for myself in the world, in a way that I can control, as opposed to all the ways I can’t control my life. 

My families may not understand what I am doing with All-lines-are-beautiful, or what “showing up for myself means”, and I am learning to be okay with that. I’m grateful for all the ways people protect and support me in my life - a good function of fear.

I am grateful that I doubt myself so much less these days, and have a big to do list. Other than that, I have no idea what I’m doing. 

And I’m happy.

Sending tons of love, in Gratitude,


#artprints #prints #alllinesarebeautiful #bethechange #artsoulfully #design #heartliving #heartartbundles #heartart #art #love #artexpandshearts #light #bethelight #authentic #expandlove #soulfulliving #gratitude

Ⓒ 2023 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.

Day 354 Art Meditation, December 7, 2023


Day 352 Art Meditation, November 25, 2023