Day 354 Art Meditation, December 5, 2023

My little baking store is LIVE! 

The reason I wanted to jump on and sort of wing it, is that people have observed in my life that the way I speak is very different from the way I write, and so THIS is scarier, because I can’t edit it. And I want to practice it more - I want to see if I can get in that Heart-space while I am speaking, knowing that it’s going to go live. 

So, about the baking store, I’m very interested in what it means to be fully aligned, to be fully aligned with my Heart. So this is the idea, everything I do in my life - there are a lot of things that I do in my life that I would never think about selling, because it’s how I was raised, I was raised to be a good pastor’s kid, a good girl - (by which I mean if women bake and cook it makes people feel comfortable) - and becoming an entrepreneur is not necessarily something that I sought out. 

So. I want to start offering things to you that are from my heart, that I do anyway, and have that be part of All lines are beautiful and have that be part of my store! 

Not because it makes sense that I sell art and food. But because everything that I do that is creative should be in my store. Because it’s for you and it’s from my heart. So there is that.

Then the other piece is that I love to make things with my hands very intentionally as a way to stay grounded, and as a way to rotate my schedule so that I’m not always on the computer, even though I love my computer. Baking is definitely one of those things. 

I am sending all my love and please check out my store for baked goods! It’s going to be an ongoing process, and I’ll be adding new things, and feeling the whole experience out.

Sending love!


Ⓒ 2023 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.

Day 355 Art Meditation, December 10, 2023


Day 353 Art Meditation, November 29, 2023