Day 327.

  • May 14, 2023

  • My new online Print Store is up and running on my website. I am so excited to share my art with you!! Paper prints, Metal prints and Canvas prints. I learned 1,000 new things in the last two weeks, and fed my inner 12-year old at the same time.

    STORE link. I will add to the store weekly. I can’t wait - in a Being-Present kind of way - until I am able to start creating new art. Slow is faster. 😉

    Speaking of mothering and giving birth on this Mother’s Day, All-lines-are-beautiful is my baby. It’s the children I never had. It’s not the journey I wanted … you know how our ego-spaces always want the easier route, which is the difference between the illusive security of a full time job and this entrepreneurship role I am in. Heart-journeys are never easy.

    All I want to do is be Creative, because that’s who I am - thanks to my incredibly creative mother. But 10 years ago I DID set out ‘for the next big challenge’, and of course the Universe delivered!

    Today a family friend of ours who was only about 30 years old and a husband and father died while paragliding, and in my shock and heartbreak I am reminded to be grateful for every moment of my life.

    I am wearing a paper dress of one of my logo variations !!! This weekend I finally executed an idea that I had a long time ago and I am SO happy I didn’t abandon my idea. This is my “first pancake” test of making my own wall background and paper dress. Lots of work in progress shots from beginning to end. Thanks to my Beloved for being my in-house photographer and cheerleader. (❤️)

    Eons ago, when I was living in NYC, one of my little sisters told me that my ‘dress-to-event-ratio’ was way out of proportion. 😂 And it still is, so this is me not abandoning my love of dresses.

    If I am asking YOU to lean into the discomfort and express yourself from your heart through my Heart-Art Bundles, then I have to do that too.

    This art is me being both uncomfortable - being imperfect in front of the camera, not behind a desk where I LOVE to hide - and having huge unexplainable Joy at the same time.

    Every minute of every day we have a choice of what we want to create and how to BE and I choose beauty and joy.

    Much love,


The Making:

First there had to be a template!


Day 328 Art Meditation May 18, 2023


Day 326 Art Meditation May 8, 2023