Day 326.

  • May 8, 2023

  • I was doing an Anne-date - a date with All-lines-are-beautiful - and took a hike around San Francisco - here’s the story:

    I’m VERY intentional about inserting inspiration for my creative journey. In fact it was the main reason I moved back to the Bay area 10 years ago, to know that I would be immersing myself in an environment of inspiration, innovation and creative support. I didn’t know then that would be in the category of innovation with my Heart-Art bundles, but now that part makes sense.

    On my hike, I walked by a house that has Bubbles painted on it, and turned around to see a van that matches the house next to it. I looked down on the sidewalk and the entire two sidewalks of the house had Mandela artwork - not matching art but permanent and intentional. AND a bench for sitting, I presume to take in all the art.

    It’s the kind of Intangible event that my Heart-Art Bundles are about. You walk into the art and something incredible happens. Something incredible happens because you are drawn to it and because you know that growth is only in the place of discomfort.

    When I take my walks, my head is still usually in the place of practical solutions. But then I walk into art like this - the same art on a house and a car - and something inside me shifts OPEN. My Heart became wide open with light and air at that moment, and I am so grateful to the homeowner who decided they needed to have a matching car and house. This is how our Hearts connect - through art.

    The fact that nationally art is so undervalued speaks volumes to me about how separated humans are from one another.

    NEW beautiful things happen through art.

    I will keep making my art bundles, and I look forward to meeting that next person who knows this heart-art-bundle journey is right for them.

    Posting more Ocean Abalone art, which shows the beautiful, mysterious transformation journey. Life is always emerging and so, my artwork does too. The BELIEF in the process is motion, so I always want my art to show motion.

    I also love that my artwork reminds me of stained glass windows, because I want to connect to the sense of what is Sacred - which is all of our Heart-Spaces.




    #day326 #alllinesarebeautiful #artsoulfully #artdays #artmeditation #art #soulful #grateful #heartartbundles #heartart #inner #heartspace #artiststatement #artist #soul


Day 327 Art Meditation May 14, 2023


Day 325 Art Meditation May 6, 2023