Day 294.

Day 294 art meditation … December 14 …  

Advent calendar door day 14 …  

Just a short message to say that I am grateful for all the writing ideas I come to while I go through my day but I don’t have time to sit down and get it on paper. 


Also I am enormously grateful for the idea of a home household for grown children to “come home” to … How it really is a sacred space. But it’s a sacred space only when really good inner work is done. Really good inner work is being done here without life coaches, and maybe without all the “right” words, but lots of action.


I’m so grateful for my ability and my mother’s ability to change our words and actions into good connecting ones … 

Sending more anne-brand art in the shape of a heart with holes in it because heart work is not easy.

Xo Anne

#day294 #goodwork #artmeditation #message #alllinesarebeautiful #artsoulfully #moregratitude 


Day 295 Art Meditation December 15


Day 293 Art Meditation December 13, 2022