Day 359

  • I’ve been designing my own Christmas Holiday cards for a few years now, but this is the first year when the art really fits into my own Heart-Art Brand Bundle, as an extension of the logo / Heart-Centerpiece. I love writing INTO the Art:

    My favorite Christmas gift from G was a Mel Robbins podcast of a woman entrepreneur whose story of persistence and inner knowing is so similar to my own story. She describes how there were things that didn’t make sense in her journey until much, much later.

    As of yesterday, my favorite thing is to track down real life stories of people who have a non-linear, un-simple story towards success, or as I like to think of it, WHOLENESS. I’m so glad these stories are surfacing in this day and age. There are more of us out there, “being in the arena”, as Theodore Roosevelt once called it “Citizen in a Republic” or “Man in the Arena” speech, at the Sorbonne in Paris on April 23 1910; and as Brene Brown frames her “Daring Greatly” book around 11 years ago - which is one of the books I was reading when I first started this journey.

    The more I am out in the world the more I believe that very few people fit into the system that supports a linear, simple line towards success, in spite of the fact that everyone wants to be that or have that. The wavy line of my logo looks lovely, but it actually represents the whirl and darkness of what a Heart journey is.

    I’m so grateful to have learned to understand what it means to be in the image of God. Not going to church, necessarily, or worshiping a pastor (or my Dad, who I love), or people who are smarter than me, or more creative than I am, and definitely not people who are more successful than I am. I have learned that the image of God is the divine in me which is MY version of speaking, thinking, creating. Every thought (okay maybe not every thought), the too-muchness that I am, the work in progress that is my art, my writing, my life.

    I absolutely believe that one day everything will make sense. That the answers that I think I have now - which make logical sense - will be answered later in a magical, heart way… And that today I have the faith and trust to just keep going.

    A German friend of mine wrote this to me today, which is another gift, so that I can take Heart, feel supported:

    “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

    - Howard Thurman, American author, philosopher, theologian, mystic, educator, and civil rights leader.

    And that’s the piece I’m most grateful for - even if my Ego is screaming, my Heart is really, really content, and the trick is to always be Aware of which is which, and how to grow my alive Heart space.

    Merry Christmas, Frohe Weihnachten,

    Much love, Mit viel Liebe,



    #faith #trust #persistence #prrrr #content #perseverance #heart #heartspace #christmas #alllinesarebeautiful #bethechange #artsoulfully #design #heartliving #heartartbundles #heartart #art #love #artexpandshearts #light #bethelight #authentic #expandlove #soulfulliving

    Ⓒ 2023 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.


Day 360 Art Meditation, December 25, 2023


Day 358 Art Meditation, December 22, 2023