Day 357

  • A new Paper Project!

    My dress is a Tree, it has ornaments on it, the green wall is a forest to celebrate the Solstice tomorrow, and I am holding an Advent calendar.


    At some point in my life-is-an-Art piece, someone suggested that I made my OWN Advent Calendar. This year I did! It will be an annual All Lines Are Beautiful tradition.

    Advent calendars are meant for December 1st, but we are sliding up to Solstice tomorrow on December 21st, and so I want to combine my Christian upbringing with this Winter Pagan ritual. The combination of Pagan and Christmas may not make much sense, in terms of “boxes”, but it does make sense in terms of healing and deepening Love, when there needs to be more.

    I have always loved the German and Danish-designed Advent paper calendars that were given or made for my parents. (I’m so grateful that American culture is finally picking up on Advent calendars - right up there with being able to buy fresh red or white currants in American grocery stores.)


    This round of a Paper Project I think G and I enjoyed the most. G even did an impromptu impersonation of Björk, talking about this project, which I’ll save for my Members! When he sings or does his voice overs, he’s in HIS heart space and that’s what I INTEND: for my art to light up YOUR heart-space.

    I was telling a friend that I went through HELL to find this Heart–Art-space of mine, there is no way I’m going to give up or shrink it now.


    The art of course comes from my logo, and is part of my own Heart-Art Brand Bundle. Technically it’s the 13th variation on my logo theme. I continue to be blown away with how art is limitless. This gives me hope because it means Love is limitless too, during this time when humans still believe killing people is even an option. You know how humans have learned that drinking water is good for us? Could Peace on Earth be that simple?? (Not that water is an uncomplicated political event on this earth).

    I still believe that Love can tip the balance between love and hate. My sense that it’s linked to Art, even more than words.


    About this art, it’s not a “proper” Advent calendar - which is perfect for my wayward brand.! I The ornaments of the tree - which contain G and my family members, plus some heart images - are NEAR the number, not under the number. I COULD “fix” the design to be proper, but I’d rather make people work harder to understand it. The more annoying something or someone is, means you found your ego. This is progress, in the longest road towards finding your Heart.

    But the intention behind the 7 Advent calendars I made was to find and create Heart spaces, connection, love, beauty, joy. If I failed to create connection, love, beauty and joy, I know that I can't force people to find their heart spaces, I can only show up with mine.

    Much love and art to you, Anne


    #paperart #heart #heartspace #pagan #christmas #advent #green #greenart #dresses #color #alllinesarebeautiful #bethechange #artsoulfully #design #heartliving #heartartbundles #heartart #art #love #artexpandshearts #light #bethelight #authentic #expandlove #soulfulliving

    Ⓒ 2023 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.


Day 358 Art Meditation, December 22, 2023


Day 356 Art Meditation, December 13, 2023