Day 351

Day 351 Art Meditation, November 22, 2023

New Art prints in my store! Link to my STORE, under “Circle Art”.

It’s the holiday season and I’m so excited to be able to for the first time really create something that is meaningful to me, using my own words.

If I could change the world, I would have everyone know what it is to live from their Heart-space, and then we would have Peace on earth. We have such a long way to go in understanding the difference between ego-spaces and heart-spaces. There is no “good people” and “bad people”, or black and white. Heart-space living is much more nuanced.

Barbra Streisand is one of my favorite filmmakers, and although there is a huge list of reasons why I adore and respect her, I just want to focus on one line from one of my favorite Barbra movies - “A Mirror has Two Faces'' - when Lauren Becall’s mother character quips to her oldest daughter, “I should have never taught you how to speak.” This is something my mother and I are working on.

We daughters and mothers have such complicated relationships, and it’s the perfect space to understand ego-space vs heart-space. I would never have been able to be in this all-lines-are-beautiful space if I had not had the courage to revisit the dark spaces to revisit my mother’s and my relationship. And the part that I adore the MOST about my mother (and father) is that she (they) never shut(s) down on me. In spite of all the different words we use. Which is what I wish for the world, that kind of continuous love.

I am adding my own words to my art. The world according to Anne.

The art…
Art always expands, and it also helps us listen to our intuitions. With this art, the words are what came to me as I was working with the art. This Circle Sun Art is the 13th art-variation series of my own Heart-Art Bundle, which is an expansion of my logo. With my Heart-Art, I want to plant good seeds in the world. 

Happy Thanksgiving.

Sending much love,


#alllinesarebeautiful #bethechange #artsoulfully #design #heartliving #heartartbundles #heartart #art #love #artexpandshearts #light #bethelight #authentic #expandlove #soulfulliving #barbrastreisand #ilovebarbrastreisand
Ⓒ 2023 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.

Day 352 Art Meditation, November 25, 2023


Day 350 Art Meditation, November 15, 2023