Day 291.

Day 291 art meditation … December 11 …  

Advent calendar door day 11 … 

The hardest part of my All lines are beautiful journey is to stop being a people pleaser. It’s not just about learning how to set boundaries, or say no, it’s having the courage to blossom and exist to the fullest extent of who I am without an invitation. Without someone else endorsing me, which is a key function of the ego. I was trained to get permission for EVERYTHING I do.


The ego part of me is thinking that if I could only be friends with Michelle Obama, THEN I will have made it. Was I seriously thinking that I could come back from the Writer’s retreat being friends with Anne Lamott?  Would I THEN feel, really FEEL, like I have the permission to exist as me?


On the other hand, the writer’s retreat did create layers of healing because the speakers gave us a permission that I didn’t have before … It’s amazing the power of Good Words … True Words, Real Words.


Finding my tribe WILL feel good, I still believe this to be true. There is a group of people who will be able to see things in me that maybe I don’t even see. There is also a group of people out there who will see what is INSIDE me, what I see and feel inside me. I just have to be patient and deepen my trust.


Flowers don’t ask before they blossom, they just seed themselves and blossom. The Yellows of my environment have fed me, and so I’m expanding my brand art by taking the yellow circle from my logo and making it some kind of a visual verb.

Xo Anne

#day291 #artmeditation #message #alllinesarebeautiful #artsoulfully #yellow


Day 292 Art Meditation December 12, 2022