Day 334.

  • July 1, 2023

  • I’ve loaded 17 new pieces of art into the Ocean series on my online store! (Rectangular shapes, frame options & words are coming in the future!)

    What are you doing to fill up your inner little child with joy? I soak myself up with art and Mother Nature. That’s where this quote from Rumi comes in, “Whatever purifies you is the right path.”

    This main art piece makes me think of tension and movement in life, and that everything is always emerging, changing, like the waves of an ocean, but also just like depression. Thank God my depression seems to move.

    I wish I had known before I was 43 years old that there is always movement in life, that I don’t need to hunker down and hold the tension forever. I can make choices, and that I have such power in my choices.

    It also reminds me of the beauty of one moment. Maybe at first glance this looks jagged and horrible, but if I stay with it more, or I turn it upside down, or I turn it sideways, I find new beauty.

    I want my art to create moments of stillness and beauty because it is the space where our heart is whispering to us. Do I overthink it, or do I completely embrace the moment? These are my 17-ish lovely moments this week.

    Love & gratitude,




Day 335 Art Meditation July 15, 2023


Day 333 Art Meditation June 29, 2023