Day 309.

Day 309 of 14, 600 Art Meditation, 3/8/23

One of my favorite writers, Mary Oliver, once wrote, 

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” 

And so, today I show up for myself with my slightly stronger heart space and say this,

I am a Designer and a Love Letter writer! And a Heart-Art Bundle Designer!

A few weeks ago I had this incredible inner opening and spent hours working on new pages on my website. I realized that if I make it public, I am holding myself accountable. I’m not going to let these ideas slip away because people in my life are more scared than I am.

I spent that weekend in January writing the beginnings of letters to Henri Matisse, Vincent Van Gogh, and Frida Kahlo, AND started dreaming about the Art. I want to start building from the inside out …

There would have been a time in my life when I was too ashamed of having dreams. In fact, I have been guided to have so much shame over so much of what I think and do, let alone creative dreams, and I’m just so ready to lay that stone down. Holding onto my heart. 

Writing love letters and designing heart-art bundles makes me so happy. I wish I could feel the Joy more, but awareness is the first step, and I am learning to let myself FEEL joy.  

This is not the announcement anyone in my life wants to hear - what could be more opposite than any practical solution? And so it is nothing short of amazing that I met my supportive Beloved. 

I was on the verge of throwing away this yellow box of letters yesterday, because I love decluttering my house. My first thought - probably from my ego - was what USE do these letters have? What is the point of them taking up garage space?? When will I ever read them again? 
I cannot describe the level of joy I felt when I started reading some letters. Proof of love, proof of Soul, it’s all there….  People - including my family - are just adorable and charming and open and free in their writings …

Why do we shut the lid on our hearts and let our hearts live in the garage in a box most of our lives?

Somehow I believe my Purpose is connected to writing letters and writing into the new art. If only more of us would write each other love letters, and let art into our lives, I feel like our lives would change for the better …

Xo, Anne

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#day309 #14600dayartmeditation #alllinesarebeautiful #artsoulfully #14600days #artmeditation #loveletters #letters #livingyourdream #makingartwithmylife #makeartfromlife #lifeisart #takearisk #dosomethingnew #inthemoment #art #soulful


Day 310 Art Meditation March 10, 2023


Day 308 Art Meditation February 20