Photography Walks.

Every single walk I take fills my heart up and feeds my soul.

Moving back to the Bay Area for the second time when I was 44 was more than just getting another job. It was the first time in my life when I felt “called” by something bigger than my small-minded choices. I’m on a big faith and trust journey. I’ve had to learn what it means to co-create with the universe. I’ve had to learn that the universe is inside me, that the intuitive space within me is a divine space, and how to draw that out, in spite of the incredible skepticism that surrounds me.

The concept of healing is so overused today, but at some point I realized that the beauty of not sitting in a box and having a full time job, is that I can take long walks, and that I’ve been walking for 12 years. I photographed my way through it, and at some point I realized that the long walks and taking pictures is part of my healing.

Here are some examples of the Wonder I encounter: I love gardens, and the crayon like colors on the houses in this part of the world, the incredible sunshine, seeing “be love” bumper stickers, a strawberry patch built on the driveway with a sign that says “Have a strawberry and a nice day”, and chalk on driveway doors … 

On this particular day I found a house number spray-painted on the driveway that matches my logo, and I just felt like I was being fed an unusual amount of intentional joy. It was such a beautiful moment of synchronicity.

This All-lines-are-beautiful journey is so much more fulfilling than anything I could have planned. Which is not something most of my world will understand, because the point of life, according to them, is to have your shit together by the time you are my age. Specifically a hugely successful career.

But the world has more than enough Ego. I want to see more Heart, real heart living, so I have to Be my heart. That is what All Lines Are Beautiful is.

The photography from my walks is what I incorporate for my print designs for my print store. 

We have to create beauty where we can, and this is something I can do.

Ⓒ 2023 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.

Heart-Art Bundle, All Lines Are Beautiful


Art Memoir - A Work in Progress