Heart-Art Bundle, All Lines Are Beautiful.

Anne’s Heart-Art Bundle lives here.

My All-lines-are-beautiful story began when I took a risk with my life and my carefully constructed plans fell apart. At the heart of it all, I had to learn how to function without any external direction. It was a kind of freedom that took me years to learn how to embrace and love.

I had to learn how to find, and more importantly feel, my own voice, to own my flawed journey, and realize that this imperfect path is a gift. This is how I got to the title ‘All lines are beautiful’.

My logo (center art piece) represents this new starting point in my life, which began at age 43. The circles represent all the new ways I know what is true for me, how to trust instead of living in fear, how to surrender when all I want to do is control everything, and how to do my creative work every day, even when there are no external rewards. 

The line represents how curvy my life has been, which is something I have learned to love and nurture.

For my Heart-Art bundles - including my own - I use this core moment that represents the biggest change in our lives, create a center art piece / logo, and expand the art outwards. Every series of art changes, just life does. Every series of art is still connected to the center art piece / logo, just like our hearts are connected (or disconnected) from every part of  our lives.

Something I have learned from my Heart-Art is that Art always leads us towards our intuition, and is a writing prompt. Art leads us to new discoveries within our hearts.

My logo represents what it is to live from the Heart, which is the opposite of what our egos love - the things that are safe and familiar. The tiny dots are like our fragile, intuitive heart spaces that take a lot of courage and silence to bring out. 

Also important to me is to create unconventional art.  I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop for my creations. It is digital art, combined with the use of my fingers, my eyes - my whole body really - my knowledge of the tools within the programs, and an enormous amount of patience to find the art that has a Soul, even within the realm of this digital space.

The same way that life is Change, I want my art to show motion and be as organic as real life. The beauty of life and art is learning how to love every moment, and that is what my Heart-Art represents.

Ⓒ 2024 Anne Hunsicker | All Lines Are Beautiful. All rights reserved.

Photography Walks